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Video Job Descriptions on a Budget: Yes, It Is Possible!

Melissa Morse

The future of job descriptions is here, and it’s taking the form of video! That’s right, showing not telling candidates what they’re in for is how you’ll attract them to your company.

According to a LinkedIn® content report, 1 minute of a job video is equal to 1.8 million written words. While you can do a lot with 1.8 million written words, who has time to read all that? You’ll lose the candidate’s interest the minute he or she lays eyes on the job description. That’s why you need to hop on the trend train and start making your job descriptions video-based (if you haven’t already started, that is).

You may have some budget concerns about affordably producing a good video, but fear not—we’ve got you covered! You don’t have to be Steven Spielberg or 20th Century Fox to produce a good video. Believe it or not, so long as you’ve got a smartphone and a computer, that’s really all you need! Here are a few tips to get you started!

Affordable Gear

According to Sean Gordon, Chief Executive Officer at HIRENAMI, “The reality of high-production camera equipment is that costs are out of this world; the other reality is that you likely have everything you need to capture excellent video sitting right there in your office.”

Gordon recommends the Apple® iPhone® 8, which can capture video content in 4K, at a level of 60 frames per second or higher. Because you’re saving money on the camera equipment aspect, you can dip into your budget and upgrade your microphone options for better sound quality.

Gordon says, “The built-in microphone [in your smartphone] is suitable … but for just $100–$200, a high-quality USB microphone can be purchased that will greatly enhance your audio quality to professional levels.”Gordon also suggests purchasing a camera tripod, and you can even purchase a cell phone tripod if that’s the route you plan on going with. To get even more budget-friendly, office supplies like binder clips are a great alternative for a tripod.

You can even incorporate action into your videos when using a binder clip tripod by placing a sheet of paper underneath the clips. You then pull the paper across a flat surface to create the illusion of a camera pan, push the paper forward or back to create a zoom, and so on. Once you’ve got the gear down, there are a few things you need to be aware of when it comes to capturing the video.

In part two of this article, we’ll focus on how to record a job video, using tips from Elena Valentine, SEO of Skill Scout.

About Melissa Morse

I am a seasoned Product and Content Marketing professional with a passion for continuous learning and sharing my knowledge. For the last decade, I have been focused on creating engaging marketing content for B2B audiences at the mid-market and enterprise levels. 

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